

23 Aug


It has taken me a while on my journey of this interwebs that many of you youths speak of to discover the wonderful worlds of MODCLOTH. Not only is there a world of fashion but there is also a world really super awesome geeky games that I want. Need. Have to most definitely have. I highly recommended travelling to the world at MODCLOTH on this pretty cool interwebs…

Confessions of a book nerd

15 Jul


It’s my mother’s fault, really. She is the one who started this whole affair.

From the time I could barely toddle, there we were at the library, in the picture book section. Yes, that’s me, below. This is how it all began.

Me at library

But looking at pictures was not enough for my little ambitious soul–and I did not want to be read TO. I wanted to read.

And so it began. My mother taught me the sounds of each letter when I was about three years old and I was reading by four. The Cat in the Hat was the first book I learned to read—and I believe I had it memorized before I could actually decipher the letters.

But that was not enough. I wanted more.

Once the door was opened to me, I greedily devoured most of the children’s section and moved on. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit in third…

View original post 462 more words

Why do you read?

11 Jul

Why is it that you read? Is it because you were forced to at a young age and you kind of just fell in love with it? Not that it matters of course, but this would be an interesting study. I read because it is form of escape and honestly, I can’t think of a life without reading in it. Reading has made me who I am as a person. What about you? How has reading changed your life? 

Favourite book?

11 Jul

What is your favourite book – I know asking a booklover this sort of question is detrimental. But I want to know – I need to know, what is your favourite book? It won’t be used to insult or hate but I just want to know. What is your favourite genre? Your favourite author? Share the love of book loving! 


I’m not the only who has thought this -right?

11 Jul

I'm not the only who has thought this -right?

Who else would do this? I mean, we’ve all dreamed of being a dragon – right? Right?! I’m not the only one who has dreamt about this, surely!


I’m not the only who has thought this -right?

11 Jul

I'm not the only who has thought this -right?

Who else would do this? I mean, we’ve all dreamed of being a dragon – right? Right?! I’m not the only one who has dreamt about this, surely!

This is a little sad…

11 Jul

THis blog is dying. I know it. You know it. We all know it. But, I’m going to try and revive it. Why? Because I can, and that is just the sort of things we nerds do. I’m sorry for the random posts and the long gaps in between. It’s not you. It’s me. I’m sorry. Let’s lift off from where we were and get this bookish thing happenin! 

The Universality of Geekdom: Connecting on How We All ‘Geek Out’

6 Jul

This is completely and totally accurate.


This book!

6 Jul

This book!

I actually love this book, yes I realise it is supposedly a child’s picture book. But it is a book nonetheless and a book that shows society what books have been brought down to. I’m not trying to insult those who prefer ebooks, because I know how great they can really be – but honestly, this book shows that readers and readers who really read these days are hard to come by and many people prefer things tthat can tweet, or text, not something that will take you to another world like a book can and will do. Happy reading everyone!


Jane Yolen – You speak the truth!

6 Jul

Jane Yolen - You speak the truth!

This phrase is so absolutely true. Well, for me anyway. Hope everyone had a great day!